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Sustainable Financing Sources for Protected Areas in the Mediterranean Region / Sources de financement durables pour les aires protégées de la Région Méditerranéenne / Sources de financement durables pour les aires protégées de la Région Méditerranéenne

TitleSustainable Financing Sources for Protected Areas in the Mediterranean Region / Sources de financement durables pour les aires protégées de la Région Méditerranéenne / Sources de financement durables pour les aires protégées de la Région Méditerranéenne
Type de publicationBook
Année de publication2006
AuteursOrnat LA, Jiménez S
ÉditeurThe World Conservation Union (IUCN), UK in collaboration with Fundacion Biodiversidad and Agencia Espa?ola de Cooperacion Internacional of the Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperacion
VilleGland, Switzerland and Cambridge
Mots-clésAMP, business, category, conservation, cooperation, diversité biologique, diversity, economic value, economy, ecosystem approach, financement, formation, GEF, gestion, impact, Italy, management, marine protected area, Mediterranean sea, Méditerranée, national park, partnership, planning, policy, protected area, protection, regulation, research, review, revision, stakeholders, tourism

This document reviews the degree to which these recommendations have been implemented in the region, and briefly identifies the most important financing actions relevant to PAs, particularly from cooperation agencies and the public sector.We also illustrate the development of pioneering tools, describing case studies occurring in our region. It was presented at the Conference as a background document, and completed thereafter with the presentations and discussions from the participants.Over recent decades wide range of PA financing mechanisms have been developed and extensive technical guidance on conservation finance has been made available(1,2). But this document does not describe or review any theory or lessons drawn from the practice on PA financial tools; it rather aims at assessing the extent of their implementation in the Mediterranean region.The broad PAs in Categories V-VI, usually allowing for multiple uses and sharing management responsibilities, require US$ 36 and US$ 120/ ha/year at sea. Categories I-IV (strictly protected and National Parks) require between over US$ 1000/ha/year in small marine parks. These preliminary figures suggest that the annual financial needs for PAs in the Mediterranean region would be in the range of US$ 1,147 - 3,820 million.Funding from the public sector remains largely insufficient to cover the basic needs of PAs in the Mediterranean.The regional average hides an enormous sub-regional disparity; the PAs in the EU receive 10 times as much (US$ 43 /ha) as those in the non-EU countries (US$ 4.5/ha).Le présent document examine le degré de mise en pratique des recommandations (adoptées par la septième Conférence des Signataires (CDS VII, 2004) lors de la CDB, dans le cadre du Programme de Travail sur les Aires Protégées (Décision VII-28), puis rappelées et explicitées lors de la première Réunion ad hoc sur les Aires Protégées,

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