06/23: Call for consultancy to develop a business plan for Tyre Coast Nature Reserve in Lebanon
Deadline for submission: 28 June 2023
Within the framework of EU-funded regional project "Towards achieving the good environmental status of the Mediterranean Sea and coast through an ecologically representative and efficiently managed and monitored network of marine protected areas" (IMAP-MPA Project), UNEP/MAP-SPA/RAC is jointly collaborating with the Ministry of Environment (MoE) to elaborate a business plan of Tyre Coast Nature Reserve in Lebanon.
Tyre Coast Nature Reserve is among the potential sites listed in the framework of the joint work carried out by the Ministry of Environment and SPA/RAC as a Specially Protected Area of Mediterranean Importance (SPAMI), with a view to improve the effective management and preservation of the Reserve terrestrial, coastal and marine heritage components.
The mission to be undertaken would allow to i) identify all investment and operating funds required; ii) determine the sources and funds available for conservation and development activities; and iii) prioritise conservation and development activities over the medium and long term, taking into account potential changes in available funding.
The terms of reference including the conditions of participation, evaluation procedure and other useful information relating to this call for tenders, are available on the following link.
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