03/23: Recrutement notrice for the position of ENSERES and the SPAMI TWINNING PROGRAMME projects officer
UNEP/MAP-SPA/RAC is recruiting for a fixed term a ENSERES and SPAMI twinning programme projects Officer.
The candidate should have a master’s degree on Marine Natural Resources Management, Marine Biology or Ecology, with a relevant combination of academic and professional qualifications.
Knowledge of monitoring of Mediterranean marine biodiversity, marine resource management, marine biology or ecology, fisheries science or in a field related to the conservation of marine biodiversity.
Knowledge of the Barcelona Convention and UNEP/MAP System as well as relevant European directives (EU WFD and EU MSFD) are an asset.
The candidate must also have at least five years of professional experience of project implementation in coastal and marine biodiversity as well as a good level of English and French.
More details are provided in the terms of reference, available on this link.
The application period is from 23rd March to 9th April 2023.
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