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09/19: Call for consultancy on climate change impacts monitoring coast


The deadline for submission is 30th September 2019.

In order to develop of a monitoring network within SPAMIs for climate change impact on biodiversity based on the harmonized vulnerability and impacts indicators for biodiversity developed by SPA/RAC and socioeconomic indicators related to climate change impact developed by PLAN BLEU, it is needed to estimate the costs of its implementation, considering particularities of different areas of the Mediterranean, so the Contracting Parties can calibrate the implications of engaging in such long term process.


In this context, the main objective of this consultancy is to undertake a cost effectiveness analysis for developing a monitoring network within SPAMIs for climate change impact on biodiversity. The activities planned under these Terms of Reference will be followed by two UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Centres, SPA/RAC and PLAN BLEU.

The terms of reference are available at the following link