Workshop on the Conservation and research networking for the common dolphin in the Mediterranean Sea
In order to promote greater participation in international dialogue and scientific knowledge exchange on the Mediterranean common dolphin and strengthen both the scientific and conservation efforts on the species locally, nationally and internationally, Oceanomare Delphis Onlus (ODO) and the Biological Conservation Research Foundation (BICREF), together with OceanCare, are jointly organizing the first International Workshop on this Mediterranean endangered cetacean species at “Albergo della Regina Isabella”, Ischia Island, Italy.
The workshop will invite experts across the Mediterranean to give presentations and to participate in fruitful discussions toward the common dolphin conservation target. The workshop will allow members of the international public/private organizations and of academic institutions to be represented.
The participation of observers is desirable. We encourage anyone interested in this cetacean species to participate in our exploration of new effective conservation ideas and measures. For this reason interested persons are requested to send in their letter of interest as soon as possible and not later then the 20th of January 2016. In the letter the applicant will need to indicate why participation to this workshop would be useful to the participant and to common dolphin research & conservation. Observers allowed to participate will need to cover a registration fee of 100 euro.
The provisional program will follow this Aide-Mémoire shortly.
Findings, conclusions and action plans resulting from the workshop will be published as proceedings in a relevant scientific journal.
For more information, please contact:
The organising committee:
Daniela Silvia Pace & Barbara Mussi, Oceanomare Delphis Onlus (
Adriana Vella & Joseph Vella, BICREF Malta (
Silvia Frey, OceanCare (
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