02/14: MedKeyHabitats project first coordination meeting in Libya
Within the framework of the implementation of the "MedKeyHabitats" project which aims at mapping of marine key habitats of conservation interest in order to extend the Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance (SPAMIs) network, RAC/SPA has led a coordination meeting in Libya from 27 to 30 January 2014. The meeting allowed the definition, with the Libyan Focal Point, of a pilot site where the mapping activities of key marine habitats will be implemented. It allowed also the planning of the implementation of the Libyan component.
The "MedKeyHabitats" project, financed by MAVA foundation within its Mediterranean strategy, is a 30 months project concerning following countries: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Albania, Montenegro and Croatia.
A kit of activities will be implemented around 4 main categories:
- Pilot Projects on key marine habitats cartography in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Montenegro
- Experience sharing and capacity building in order to improve knowledge on key marine habitats and communication on the project's results and achievements, and the public awareness
- Assessment of the SPAMIs network and proposal of new sites in Libya, Egypt, Albania and Croatia.
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