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Management tool : Management guide for marine protected areas : Permanent ecological moorings / Outil de Gestion : Guide d'aide

TitleManagement tool : Management guide for marine protected areas : Permanent ecological moorings / Outil de Gestion : Guide d'aide
Type de publicationReport
Année de publication2006
AuteursFrancour P, Magréau J-F, Cottalorda JM, Gratiot J, Mannoni P-A
Mots-cléscategory, corraligenous, environment, formation, gestion, herbier, management, management tool, marine protected area, Mediterranean sea, methodology, mooring, Posidonia oceanica, protected area, rocky shore, sand, seagrass

This guide summarizes key issues and shows the various choices available as well as being a technical guide.This guide will help in the choice of the most adapted ecological solution depending on the environment in question. It is divided into two main parts: the description of the major environments and the technical description of various permanent ecological moorings recommended.Five main categories of environments have been selected: Sand and mud, Pebbles and cobbles, Boulders and bedrock, Coralligenous formations, and Posidonia meadowsThe technical solutions include a description of the immersed parts (the ones laid on or pushed into the sea bed) and the parts at the surface without forgetting the connecting elements between the surface and the bottom.Ce guide aidera, en fonction du milieu considéré,

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