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 The Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA) has developed many communication tools (handbooks, leeflets, guidelines...) within it's scope of action:

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Recent Publications
Regional strategy for the conservation of monk seal in the Mediterranean   (2014)
Updated Timetable of the Action Plan for the conservation of Mediterranean Marine Turtles (2014 - 2019)   (2014)
Updated Timetable (2014 - 2019) of the Action Plan for the conservation of Bird species listed in Annex II to the SPA/BD Protocol   (2014)
Updated Timetable (2014 - 2019) of the Action Plan for the Conservation of Cartilaginous Fishes (Chondrichthyans) in the Mediterranean Sea   (2014)
Monitoring Mediterranean Lesser Crested Terns : Thalasseus bengalensis emigratus   (2014)
Communautés biologiques marines du Cap des Trois Fourches : caractérisation, cartographie et orientations de gestion (in French)   (2014)
Le Cap des Trois Fourches : caractérisation écologique et orientations de gestion (in French)   (2014)
Rapport synthétique de la liste «Prioritaire» des sites méritant une protection au niveau des côtes méditerranéennes au Maroc (in French)   (2014)
Identification des parties prenantes et des partenariats potentiels pour la création d'un réseau national d'AMP au Maroc (in French)   (2014)
Cetacean manual for MPA managers   (2014)
Guidance for building Marine Protected Areas: Guidelines to improve the implementation of the Mediterranean Specially Protected Areas network and connectivity between Specially Protected Areas   (2014)
Stakeholder participation toolkit for identification, designation and management of marine protected areas   (2013)
Developing a Marine Protected Area network in Mediterranean open sea areas, including deep sea areas   (2013)
Description of the ecology of the Gulf of Lions shelf and slope area and identification of the areas that may deserve to be protected   (2013)
Fisheries in the Gulf of Lions   (2013)
Important areas for the conservation of cetaceans in the Gulf of Lions shelf and slope area: synthesis of existing data on cetaceans and threats   (2013)
Seabirds in the Gulf of Lions shelf and slope area   (2013)
Guidelines for shark and ray recreational fishing in the Mediterranean   (2013)
Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas and climate change: A guide to regional monitoring and adaptation opportunities   (2013)


Technical Reports
Report presenting a georeferenced compilation on bird important areas in the Mediterranean open seas   (2010)
Fisheries conservation and vulnerable ecosystems in the Mediterranean open seas, including the deep seas   (2010)
Technical report on the Geographical Information System developed for the Mediterranean open seas   (2010)
International legal instruments applied to the conservation of marine biodiversity in the Mediterranean region and actors responsible for their implementation and enforcement   (2010)
Overview of scientific findings and criteria relevant to identifying SPAMIs in the Mediterranean open seas, including the deep seas   (2010)
Operational criteria for identifying SPAMIS in areas of open seas    
The Mediterranean Sea Biodiversity: state of the ecosystems, pressures, impacts and future priorities   (2010)
Practice guidelines for Aquaculture and sustainable management in Mediterranean coastal wetlands   (2012)


Text of the Protocol
The SPA/BD Protocol   (1995)


Development of Specially Protected Areas
Guidelines for the establishment and management of Mediterranean Marine and Coastal Protected Areas   (2006)
Economic aspects of marine protected areas (MPAs)   (2006)
Specially Protected Areas in the Mediterranean: Assessment and Perspectives   (2010)
Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance: SPAMIs   (2010)
Note on the establishment of Marine Protected Areas beyond national jurisdiction or in areas where the limits of national sovereignty or jurisdiction have not yet been defined in the Mediterranean Sea   (2011)


Climate change
Impact of climate change on biodiversity in the Mediterranean Sea   (2008)
Sub-regional report on vulnerability and impacts of climate change on marine and coastal biological diversity in the Mediterranean Adriatic countries   (2009)
Sub-regional report on vulnerability and impacts of climate change on marine and coastal biological diversity in the North Mediterranean non-Adriatic countries and Israel   (2009)
Sub-regional report on vulnerability and impacts of climate change on marine and coastal biological diversity in the Mediterranean Arab Countries   (2009)
Synthesis of National Overviews on Vulnerability and Impacts of Climate Change on Marine and Coastal Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean Region   (2009)
Impact of climate change on marine and coastal biodiversity in the Mediterranean Sea: Current state of knowledge   (2010)


Action Plans adopted within the framework of MAP
Action Plan for the managing of the Monk Seal in the Mediterranean
Action Plan for the conservation of Mediterranean marine turtles   (2007)
Action Plan for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean Sea   (2001)
Action Plan for the conservation of marine vegetation in the Mediterranean Sea   (1999)
Action Plan for the conservation of bird species registered in annex II of the SPA/BD protocol in the Mediterranean   (2003)
Action Plan for the conservation of cartilaginous fishes (Chondrichtyans) in the Mediterranean Sea   (2003)
Action Plan concerning species introduction and invasive species in the Mediterranean Sea   (2005)
Action Plan for the conservation of the coralligenous and other calcareous bio-concretions in the Mediterranean Sea   (2008)


Within the framework of the Action Plan for the managing of the Monk Seal
Poster on the Action Plan
Poster on the Monk Seal in the Mediterranean


Within the framework of the Action Plan for the conservation of marine turtles
Poster on the marine turtles in the Mediterranean
Training Course On Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehabilitation
Turtle Conservation Training Course
Sea Turtle handling Guidebook for fishermen - Teaching book (Spanish)
Interaction of the marine turtles with fishing in the Mediterranean   (1999)
Sea Turtle handling Guidebook for fishermen (Arab, Greek, Spanish, Croatian, Turkish, Slovenian, Italian, Maltese)   (2001)
Proceedings of the First Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles   (2001)
Guidelines to design legislation and regulations relative to the conservation and management of marine turtle populations and their habitats   (2003)
Guidelines to improve the involvement of marine rescue centres for marine turtles   (2004)
Proceedings of the Second Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles   (2005)
CDROM elaborated and diffused during the 26th International Symposium on marine turtles (Greece) (Image to burn)   (2006)
Poster on the Action Plan   (2007)
Sea turtles in the Mediterranean: Distribution, threats and conservation priorities   (2010)
Book of abstracts of the Fourth Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles   (2011)
Proceedings of the Third Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles   (2012)
Guidelines for setting up and management of Specially Protected Areas for marine turtles in the Mediterranean   (2012)


Within the framework of the Action Plan for the conservation of cetaceans
Guidelines for the Development of National Networks of Cetacean Strandings Monitoring   (2004)
Guidelines for Commercial Cetacean-Watching Activities in the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area   (2004)
Poster on the Action Plan   (2007)
Poster on the cetaceans in the Mediterranean
Guidelines for the Establishment and Management of Marine Protected Areas for Cetaceans   (2011)


Within the framework of the Action Plan for the conservation of marine vegetation
leaflet “MedPosidonia”
leaflet “Oases of the Mediterranean – Seagrass Beds” (Frensh, Arabic)
Proceedings of the first Mediterranean symposium on the marine vegetation (Ajaccio)   (2000)
Proceedings of the Second Mediterranean symposium on the marine vegetation (Athen)   (2003)
Proceedings of the 3rd Mediterranean Symposium on marine vegetation (Marseilles)   (2007)
Poster on the Action Plan   (2007)
Guidelines for impact assessment on seagrass meadows   (2007)
Proceedings of the 4th Mediterranean Symposium on marine vegetation (Tunisia)   (2010)
2012 - 2017 Work Programme and Implementation Timetable   (2012)
Mediterranean Seagrass Meadows: Resilience and Contribution to Climate Change Mitigation A Short Summary (Spanish)   (2012)
Protection and conservation of Posidonia oceanica meadows   (2012)


Within the framework of the Action Plan for the conservation of bird species registered in annex II of the SPA/BD Protocol
Poster on the bird species registred under annex II of the SPA/BD Protocol
Guidelines for the elaboration of National Action plans for the conservation of marine and coastal birds   (2003)
Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on the Mediterranean action plan for the conservation of marine and coastal birds   (2005)
Poster on the Action Plan   (2007)
Guidelines for management plan for coastal and marine important areas to birds and/or marine and coastal Protected Areas   (2007)
Atlas of wintering Waterbirds of Libya (2005 - 2010)   (2012)
Book of abstracts of the 2nd Symposium on the conservation of marine and coastal birds in the Mediterranean   (2015)


Within the framework of the Action Plan for the conservation of cartilaginous fishes (Chondrichtyans) in the Mediterranean Sea
Poster on the Action Plan
Poster I on the of Cartilaginous fishes the Mediterranean sea
Poster II on the of Cartilaginous fishes the Mediterranean sea
Poster on sharks and rays
Chondrichthyan fishes of Libya: Proposal for a research programme   (2005)
Proceedings of the International Workshop on mediterranean cartilaginous fish with emphasis on southern and eastern Mediterranean (Turkey)   (2005)
Guidelines for reducing the presence of sensitive Chondrichthyan species within by-catch   (2006)
Report on the status of mediterranean Chondrichthyan species   (2007)


Within the framework of the Action Plan concerning species introduction and invasive species
Poster on the Action Plan   (2007)
Guide for risk analysis assessing the impacts of the introduction of non-indigenous species   (2008)
Guidelines for controlling the vectors of the introduction into the Mediterranean of non-indigenous species and invasive marine species   (2008)
Non-native species in the Mediterranean: what, when, how and why?   (2011)


Within the framework of the Action Plan for the conservation of the coralligenous
Proceedings of the 1st Mediterranean Symposium on the Conservation of the Coralligenous and other calcareous bio-concretions   (2009)


Tools for the elaboration of national inventories of natural sites of interest for the conservation
Standard data form (SDF) for the national inventories of natural sites of interest for the conservation   (2002)
Handbook for interpreting types of marine habitat for the selection of sites to be included in the national inventories of natural sites of conservation interest   (2002)
Classification of benthic marine habitat types for the Mediterranean region   (2006)
Reference List of Marine Habitat Types for the Selection of Sites to be included in the National Inventories of Natural Sites of Conservation Interest   (2006)
Mediterranean Pelagic Habitat: Oceanographic and Biological Processes, An Overview   (2010)