06/23: Calls for consultation for socio-economic and ecological studies of Garah Island in Sirte, Libya
Deadline for submission: July 19, 2023
The SPA/RAC is launching two calls for consultation, one for conducting an ecological characterization of the coastal and marine area of Garah Island in Sirte, Libya, and the second for developing a socio-economic study of this zone.
Garah Island is potentially eligible for designation as a Marine Protected Area (MPA). The information gathered from both studies will be crucial for the development of a management plan that will contribute to the effective management and preservation of the terrestrial, coastal, and marine heritage components of the future MPA.
This initiative is supported by the EU-funded project "Towards achieving the good environmental status of the Mediterranean Sea and coast through an ecologically representative and efficiently managed and monitored network of marine protected areas" (IMAP-MPA Project), as well as the GEF-funded MedProgramme Child Project 3.1 “Management Support and Expansion of Marine Protected Areas in Libya”.
For more information on participation requirements, evaluation procedures, and other relevant information regarding these calls, please refer to the following Terms of Reference:
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