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04/22: Call for consultancy to work on the elaboration of the Ecological Objective 6 on sea floor integrity

Coralligenous and Posidonia © SPARAC, Golder associates

SPA/RAC launches a call for consultancy to develop the Ecological Objective 6 on sea floor integrity under the Ecosystem Approach process of the Barcelona Convention.






The consultant will further elaborate the Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme (IMAP) Ecological Objective 6 on sea floor integrity, including i) the Good Environmental Status (GES) definitions, ii) the related environmental targets and iii) the list of the common indicators in coherence with the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) descriptor 6 and in particular the recent work of the technical Group on seabed habitats and sea-floor integrity (TG Seabed).

Proposals must be received by emails at car-asp@spa-rac.orgno later than Monday 18 April 2022 at 23:59 UTC+1 (Tunis Time).

The terms of reference (available only in English) including the conditions of participation, evaluation procedure and other useful information concerning this call for consultancy are detailed at the following link.